
Camera and microphone do not work


If the camera or microphone does not work,

Please check first if the camara is turned on properly

in the gray bar at the top.

If you have the authority to access the camera and microphone and if they are turned on
If you have the authority to access the camera and microphone and if they are turned off
If you do not have the authority to access either camera or microphone
If the participant has the authority to access the camera
and microphone and if they are turned off
If the participant does not have the authority to access either camera or microphone
If the camera icon or microphone icon is not shown in the gray bar at the top, you do not have the authority to access the camera or microphone.
In this case, ask the person with the authority in the meeting room (teacher, assistant, presenter, or emcee) to click the camera and microphone icons next to the names in the participants’ list to switch the color from light gray to black or red.
If the camera and microphone do not work even though the camera and microphone icons are turned on in the gray bar at the top,
click the lock button to the left of the address bar to see if the camera and microphone are set as Allow.
If they are set as Allow, type “camera personal information setting” in the Windows search box to open up the Settings window
and check if “Allow apps access to your camera” is turned on and if “Allow desktop apps to access your camera” is also turned on.
Type “Camera” in the Windows search box
and check if the camera works properly when you turn on the camera app.
If the camera does not turn on in the app,
it means that the camera itself is not working, so please contact the manufacturer of the device.
For the microphone, check if it records properly when you perform recording on the PC.
If recording does not work,
it means that the PC microphone has an issue, so please contact the manufacturer of the device.